1901: Walt Disney was born on the 5th of December. Elias Disney was the name of his father. Flora Disney was the name
of his mother. Walter was one of five children.
1910: The Disney family moved to Kansas City in 1910. Walt attended the Benton Grammar School, where he met
Walter Pfeiffer. The Pfeiffers, who were theatre buffs, introduced Walt to the world of motion pictures. Walt began to love
the world of movies.
1917: Walt’s family migrated to Chicago in 1917. While in high school, Walt started taking courses at
the Chicago Art Institute. He wanted to join the Army but was rejected, because he was only sixteen. Walt
joined the Red Cross. He got accepted because he faked his age on the certificate he had to send in. Soon after joining, he
was sent to France as an ambulence driver.
1920: Walt returned from France in 1920. When he got to the states, Ub Iwerks and him soon open the cartoon
company Laugh-O-Grams.
1923: After Laugh-O-Grams went bankrupt, Walt went to hollywood and he and his brother Roy, opened a cartoon
1927: Walt's studio started creating a series of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoons but soon lost all rights
to Oswald to Mitz company.
1928: Walt Disney’s imagination gave birth to Mickey Mouse. The cartoons ‘Plane Crazy’ and
‘Steamboat Willie’ followed. In November 1928, the Colon Theater in New York showcased Steamboat Willie. It was
the first animated cartoon with sound and gained a positive response from the audience. Walt Disney had become popular by
this time with all the companies wanting the rights to Mickey Mouse.
1932: ‘Flowers and Trees’, a Silly Symphonies cartoon done in Technicolor, won the Academy Award
for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. Walt Disney owned the rights to use Technicolor. Disney received a special award for his
Mickey Mouse during the same year.
1933: the cartoon called ‘The Three Little Pigs’ became a big success.
1934: In the cartoon, Orphan’s Benefit, Donald Duck was introduced into the Mickey Mouse world. Donald
Duck became the second most popular in Disney’s creations.
1938: Snow White was released under a deal with RKO Radio Pictures. The film was a huge success and
earned an amount of $8 million. Snow White brought in the Golden Age of Animation for Disney.
1940: During the late 1940s, Disney continued the work on ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Peter
Pan’ and started work on ‘Cinderella’. He had been to Chicago in the late 1940s. There he sketched
his ideas for an amusement park, deriving inspiration from the Children’s Fairyland in Oakland, California. This idea
was later expanded to design what is now known as Disneyland!
1949: The popularity of Donald Duck increased to a great extent and Donald replaced Mickey as Disney’s
star character.
1950: ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ were produced.
‘One Hour In Wonderland’ was featured on television.
1955: ‘Mickey Mouse Club’ became the first daily television show. On September 8, 1955, Disneyland
was proud to welcome its one-millionth visitor!
1964: ‘Mary Poppins’ became the most popular Disney film of the 1960s. It received nominations
for 13 academic awards.
1966: On November 30, Disney was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital . On December 15, Walt Disney died
of lung cancer.
Edited timeline from: buzzle.com